Wednesday 1 June 2016

25 facts about me

Hi everyone,

Today I thought I'd tell you all 25 random facts about me. Its a slightly more personal blog post but it will hopefully give you all a small insight into what I'm like. I've seen this tag floating around youtube and blog post for years now and I love reading them. So here are 25 facts about me!

1. I have just completed my Level 5 in Early Childhood Care & Education and have applied for the Early Childhood Care & Education course in Wexford campus, so fingers crossed I get it!

2. I'm a home bird. I love being at home with my family. I'd love to travel but I can't see myself permanently living abroad, I'd miss home way too much!

3. Romantic/Romantic comedy films are my favourite genre of film. Titanic, The Notebook, P.s I love you and Marley and Me are some of my top all time favourite films.

4. I'm naturally a very shy and quiet person but once I get to know you I'll talk away to you and be my weird normal self!

5. I have a huge sweet tooth and love chocolate and desserts.

6. I hate rushing and being late for things, It gets me so frustrated and puts me in a bad mood for the day.

7. I have one younger brother who's 15 years old.

8. I am the biggest procrastinator and will put off doing most things until the very last minute!

9. I'm obsessed with coffee and have to have it every morning.

10. I have a dog called Poppy and she is a King Charles Spaniel.

11. I'm a short arse, at 5.2 and a half, the half counts OK?

12. My skin is my biggest insecurity and I can never leave the house without makeup.

13. I'm such a worrier and overthink everything.

14. My fears are heights, all creepy crawlies and my loved ones dying.

15. I love cooking and baking and trying out new foods/recipes, nutrition is something I'm actually very interested in and would love to study in the future.

16. I'm a very private person and it takes a lot for me to trust and open up to people.

17. I hate rollercosters, I hate the feeling of my stomach jumping when I'm on them. I'm generally the 'bag/personal items' holder for my friends while they go on them.

18. My star sign is a Sagittarius.

19. My favourite foods are chicken satay, pizza, strawberries and chocolate (obviously) lol.

20. I'm obsessed with makeup and everything beauty related.

21. I have a small dent in the bridge of my nose from bumping into my mam with a hot dinner plate when I was younger(not a pretty sight).

22. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who chew with their mouth open.

23. I used to do Irish Dancing when I was younger and actually won some medals for it.

24. Vanilla, coffee, baked goods and freshly cut grass are some of my favourite smells.

25. I love quotes, the majority of the photos on my phone are quotes I've screenshotted. Some of my favs are 'this too shall pass' and 'everything happens for a reason'.

So there you have it, 25 facts about me. I hope you all enjoyed it and let me know a random fact about you!

Until next time,
Sophie x


  1. I LOVED learning all of these facts about you. Anyone who has a huge sweet tooth is automatically cool in my book :)

  2. Awh thank you I appreciate that! I sure do have a sweet tooth, lol :)
